10 Reasons Why Feedforward is Better than Feedback

Oftentimes, coaches have the misconception of having to be smarter, more superior, and understand their clients deeply in order to help them — which is untrue.

Most of the time we learn so much more from people we don’t actually know because they don’t have any kind of stereotype, history, or baggage related to us that can skew their opinions.

What’s great about feedforward is that the whole focus is on helping each other. It’s a very simple and non-judgmental process. With this exercise, you’ll learn how to ask for input, and to listen in a non-defensive manner.

Here are 10 reasons why you should try the feedforward exercise.

1. Focuses on the future instead of the past

The feedforward exercise provides insight on how to improve a situation for the future rather than revisiting the mistakes of the past. By doing so, we can increase the probability of helping participants drive positive change for their future. 

2. Provides real solutions and ideas

Feedback often involves discussing shortcomings, making it often viewed as something negative. On the other hand, feedforward provides participants with future-oriented solutions and ideas — making it much easier to receive by individuals.

3. Suitable for successful leaders

Leaders tend to love getting ideas that will help them achieve their goals but tend to resist negative feedback. However, since feedforward focuses on positive solutions and insightful ideas for improvements, leaders will respond to and enjoy this exercise.

4. Does not require personal experience

Everyone has the potential to come up with brilliant ideas — even the people you have no personal experience with. Our participants are often surprised by how much they can learn from people they don’t know during our collaborative wisdom-sharing exercise. 

5. Feedforward is judgment-free

Since feedforward focuses on the future rather than the past, it cannot be taken as a personal critique. It is a judgment-free exercise that is both empowering and eye-opening for all the participants involved. 

6. Reinforce positive change

Getting feedback can reinforce the feeling of failure and will cause an individual to become more reluctant to change. The feedforward exercise, on the other hand, reinforces the possibility of positive change and leaves individuals with a sense of motivation and support.

7. Enjoyable experience

In general, people dislike getting and giving negative feedback, as it affects our interpersonal relationships in a negative manner. With feedforward, participants can gain ideas for improvements in a positive way — creating an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 

8. Faster and more efficient

Feedforward eliminates barriers to receiving ideas and suggestions. It allows participants to start making positive changes at a faster pace since it does not focus on past wrongdoings, but rather constructs ideas for future improvements. 

9. Not hierarchy-driven

Feedback is often associated with the superiority of judgment from figures of authority. However, feedforward provides a platform for individuals to communicate their ideas as equals who are all eager to learn and become a better version of themselves. 

10. Improve the quality of communication

Feedforward can help you improve the quality of communication in your organization by ensuring that you are conveying the right message and that the receivers are receptive to the message. 

Feedforward provides a platform for individuals to share and gain ideas for improvement in a positive, non-judgmental, and enjoyable manner. Being future-oriented, this exercise eliminates barriers to improvement and helps empower participants to drive positive change more effectively. Try it with your team and see the results for yourself. 

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Source: Marshallgoldsmith.com



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